Tribal Sign Warrior Calendar, Student-Illustrated
By Joy Annette, North Dakota State University North Dakota State University’s Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute recently launched a special Tribal Sign Warrior calendar to raise awareness of the dangers of sign damage and vandalism among elementary age students. Illustrations in the calendar were created by fourth graders from tribes across the state. Over the…
Intersection Safety Improvements: Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe Chicken Coop-Zaccardo Road & US-101
Years of Safety Data Highlights Need for Road Improvements The Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe successfully completes improvements (see Figure 1) for their Chicken Coop-Zaccardo Road Intersection project in cooperation with Clallam County and Washington State Department Of Transportation. The Tribe is located in the Pacific Northwest on Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula along State Route 101(SR 101),…
Crash Reporting Toolkit
Tools for Improving Crash Data The Tribal Crash Reporting Toolkit enables improved collection and use of crash data by Tribal governments. The toolkit enables Tribal Governments to maintain data sovereignty while consistently collecting a standardized set of data elements for each crash. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) published the toolkit in…